Fall Storage Protection
Gasoline can break down in as little as 60 days, causing varnish and gums that clog injectors, fuel lines and carburetors, leading to poor engine performance and starting problems. In many applications, draining the fuel system can be impractical, and doing so can expose the system to corrosion on the bare metal in the tank and fuel system and cause gasket and seal cracking.
AMSOIL Gasoline Stabilizer reduces the oxidation that occurs when fuel is stored for extended periods, improving performance, extending equipment life and decreasing maintenance expenses.
During storage, fluctuations in ambient temperatures can form condensation within the engine that can cause surface corrosion on cylinder liners, piston rings, anti-friction bearings and steel/iron contact surfaces on rotational seals. Long periods of storage can also dry out cylinders, often resulting in permanent damage when the equipment is dry-started in the spring.
AMSOIL Engine Fogging Oil offers superior film retention, providing long-term protection against corrosion and dry starts, extending engine life and reducing operating expenses. Its aerosol spray formulation offers easy and clean application, while reaching more components and offering complete distribution of the oil, something especially beneficial in applications with horizontal cylinder orientation, such as outboard motors.